Sunday, May 3, 2015

Module 6: Website: Concept

Long ago I purchased a website with the intent of putting my resume and projects online to make it easier to demonstrate my capabilities. I was also gonna add things like tracking bars to show the milestones I have reached and goals i set. Things like earning IT certificates or my degree etc...

These images are for that site.

The left depicts a menu that was supposed to hover over the site and follow with you as you scroll down page. Sort of a way to pick sections you wanted to go to. The right shows the area to post pictures.
The site was to be designed for F shaped text columns as that has been proven how people quickly read articles. I planned to do news articles of things i went to or am interested in while using that format.

The menu opens to sub menu and the menu is both at top and bottom of page. The page was to change color based on menu selected.

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