Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mr. Shakespeare

My last post for now is just a thank you to Mr. Shakespeare. Not to be confused with the writer. He is a friend of mine that when seeing I was having immense trouble learning Photoshop decided to take several days worth the time out to sit side by side with me and guide me through going from my concepts to my actual creations.

Thank you Mr. Shakespeare.

Module 6: Website

I chose to create a mock website for my portfolio, using the art projects for this class, the top menu is designed change colors depending on what section of the site is selected and would also have a dropdown menu for sub pages in the categories.
updates on the front page of the site would scroll automatically between 1 to 5 images, and the latest additions to the gallery would be displayed on the left side.
i wanted to go for a clean look, sticking to whites and greys so that the red links on the website would stand out.

stock photo for the concrete top

Module 6: Website: Concept

Long ago I purchased a website with the intent of putting my resume and projects online to make it easier to demonstrate my capabilities. I was also gonna add things like tracking bars to show the milestones I have reached and goals i set. Things like earning IT certificates or my degree etc...

These images are for that site.

The left depicts a menu that was supposed to hover over the site and follow with you as you scroll down page. Sort of a way to pick sections you wanted to go to. The right shows the area to post pictures.
The site was to be designed for F shaped text columns as that has been proven how people quickly read articles. I planned to do news articles of things i went to or am interested in while using that format.

The menu opens to sub menu and the menu is both at top and bottom of page. The page was to change color based on menu selected.

Module 5: Avatar

This is the finale of the avatar. for the fantasy avatar project i mixed in a little bit of future fantasy style influences by making the head more alien, i used the warped tool to shape all parts of the head and body to give her a slimmer frame and with the pen tool drew vector shapes for the warpaint/tattoo designs.

once i drew the designs i wanted to make them feel less digital and more realistic so i altered each one to not be exactly the same as the rest with perspective correction tools.

for the eyes i tried something different by brushing out the eyes and eyelashes completely and drawing them in myself, and shading around the eyes to give it a little more natuarl feel than just drawing them in as vector shapes.

the final steps of the project i altered the hue/saturation/lightness to give it a strong contrast and used a simple texture background to make the portrait of the warrior pop out

Here is it again but with a side by side comparison to show the contrast to the original model.

Please be warned before clicking the link to her image that she is nude in the image. I cut it to hide this fact. - stock model - background texture

Module 5. Avatar.

For the avatar the concept art was the hardest for me cause I can not draw worth anything.
I thought id draw small parts to get an idea of what i wanted the overall look to be, I drew head shapes. Then moved onto skin patterns to give me an idea to work with when i went to photoshop everything. Sorry if they are shaky they were all drawn while on bus.

 The Fist head image(left) was a consideration for curled horns from a front view, The second ( middle) i thought of a more alien looking image with a protruding spine and relocated eyes. One on the elongated head the other on the forehead. The last (right) was a mix, I added fins to the bottom of the skull and a tail like horn to the back with softer hair like protrusions to the top. I also made the eyes broader to take up more of the face.

The tattoo patterns from left to right. The first was a curved striped pattern. I thought of patches all over the body similar to this. The second was the idea of a centralized spiral pattern either starting from the chest cavity or the back. The third was a continous sort of camo idea. I considered vertical patterns similar to seaweed or grass growing. The last was the consideration for a gradient based pattern. Dark towards center and spreading out getting lighter as it went.
The very bottom was a joke face i considered if I were going to make the avatar fully aquatic.

Module 4 Book Cover.

This is the final product of the book cover. I ended up using a photo of him with his guitar rather than just the guitar.

the stock photos i used - photo of buddy guy - background texture 1 - background texture 2 - title texture

Module 4: Book cover

For this I immediately considered only one person. George "Buddy" Guy. So I started thinking of concepts for what to name the book cause that would make the biggest impact on the overall layout. Since this spine is smallest i started with that.

After playing a little with the spine I did a rough image of the front and back. The back for more books is standard but the front is what sells it. I decided to go with polka dots for him cause he is Buddy Guy. The guitar center to show the art form he chose.